Friday, September 10, 2004

Why is it difficult to leave a work place?

Why must we feel guilty about leaving our work place? Afterall, we owe them nothing! It's as simple as receiving something in return for your services. Economics!

Therefore Aash, please don't stick around there for long. Coz the longer you stay on the harder it becomes to leave. Not only because of emotional attachments but also because of the BOSSES! They pile you with work and they make you feel as if you would be nothing if not for them taking a risk on you and blahblahblah! CRAP!

All your achievements have been purely through YOUR own hard work and YOUR dedication and YOUR luck! Not theirs So don't be fooled.



Tasha said...

It's not about bieng guilty. It's about the sick feeling of being a quiter... and the fear of the future of bieng in a worse position than at present!!!

Tasha said...

Arent you the one who told me that one must always leave a place in such a state taht you can smile and visit again? ...I admire your bravery though!