Thursday, July 29, 2004


That's what I'm going to call tomorrow 30th July 2004. Why?
Well... for one... tomorrow I'm going to be starting intermediate level guitar classes with Derrick Wickremanayake of Wildfire!
And... for a second... my new niece is going to be born. Tomorrow night actually. Cool huh??
I'm looking forward to this. My only hope is that her older brother (who's about 1 3/4 yrs old) will not feel any jealousy. So far he's been good giving her kisses throught the mum's tummy and naming her "Bambi". But one can never say with kids...
Expectations may be the ruin of me one day... but I'm absolutely excited about tomorrow.

Reply to Anonymous

True I suppose... I'm also just beginning to realise there are a few good men....Hahaha...
Oh well... What to do.. We women just might continue to have high expectations of everyone they meet...
By the way... what can be done t remedy the bad qualities being attributed to BOTH sexes because of the actions of a few undesirables?
Any suggestions people???
Pls reply..