Tuesday, September 07, 2004

People on sexuality

Recently I was watching a forum on TV where many of society's more well-known public figures who are open about their sexuality were being interviewed.

It was nice to see that at least one TV station was brave enough to address this issue. There are many in society who either misunderstand or choose to understand and yet discriminate people who have different sexual preferences to most others. I mean!

What happened to all the preachings of open-mindedness? And accepting people for who they are?

Afterall, if we can accept immature men who go all goo-goo-gaa-gaa over exposed legs below the knee, why can't we accept people who are gays or lesbians or bisexuals?

Truly sad how some can be open-minded on some issues and so close-minded on others...

1 comment:

Tasha said...

Maaaan, You've got some nerve! how are you doing? Cant you send anything other than forwards? Believe me I'm trying to do what you told me. Its really hard! Give Kris my regards if you meet her. Miss u both! KIT!!!