Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Women and wanting "Perfectness"

Yesterday as I sat with a friend in a bus after work I listened to her as she updated me on her life and her 2 sisters. What struck me was that all of them seemed to have found the man to be with for the rest of their lives. My friend is actually her younger sister, so I already knew about her. But here I was being told that the older sister was getting married next year and the one in the bus was going to in about 2 years and my friend? Gosh! Maybe she would be too in about 3 years!

I guess they had achieved what every woman fantasizes about achieving - a perfect marriage after the often deceiving courtship years. Afterall, being married means being more or less stuck to each other right?

Well...I certainly am happy for all three of them considering the hardships they had to go through. They certainly deserve all the happiness they can get!

As for moi...I'm still content with being more or less single. That's what long-distant relationships do to a person! He's there and you're here so YOU BOTH are more or less single! That is when temptation is rife too might I add...

Perfectness is just an idea. Each person's idea of perfect will vary. That's for sure. So the trick, ladies, is finding a man who's ideas co-exist with yours!


Not everyone is so lucky as to find that!

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